
A Zero Waste Harvest

Fall is here and you’ve spent time harvesting your garden of different fruits and vegetables. But you don’t want them to go to waste. You want to enjoy them during the long winter months ahead, so how can you make the most of your homegrown produce while also keeping the environment healthy? Food preservation is

SCA Provides Tooley Pond Conservation Easement With Upgrade

A five-person Student Conservation Association (SCA) crew recently constructed some new amenities on the Tooley Pond Conservation Easement in the Town of Clare in Saint Lawrence County. The team built a primitive campsite on the Allen Pond Trail, complete with a new short trail to the campsite, an earthen tent pad, a rock ring fireplace,

Voyageurs National Park’s New Trail: Built to Offer Opportunity

The view of Voyageurs National Park bursting in fall colors from a new scenic overlook wowed a couple last week. And they would not have experienced it without the work of youth crews who created the trail that lead to it. “We’ve been coming here for 20 years, and this is just great,” the woman

SCA’s PA Outdoor Corps Reopens Popular Trail

At 4:00 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 18, the Turkey Path was opened to the public for the first time since last Thanksgiving. This popular out and back hiking trail is on a steep slope that descends 800 feet to the bottom of the gorge where Pine Creek flows and bikers, walkers, hikers and runners can

Maintaining Chicago’s Natural Areas at Big Marsh Park

Starting their service earlier this summer, SCA members Maryam Bledsoe and Kelly Escarcega are stewards of Big Marsh and other natural areas in the Calumet Region.   Friends of Big Marsh Executive Director, Paul Fitzgerald, recently met with Maryam and Kelly for a brief discussion of their work maintaining Chicago’s natural areas.

Why I Will Always Give Back to SCA – David Kurapka

by SCA Alum, David Kurapka It was paradise. My two stints with SCA account for a mere few months of my life, but their importance to me far outweighs the relatively brief time I spent in the program. Dave pictured top row, 2nd from right I served in the high school program in Acadia National

A Somber Anniversary

By Grace O’Hara, Richard J. Guadagno SCA Conservation Fellow Nineteen years ago on September 11th our nation changed forever when four planes departed from various East Coast airports and never made their destinations. Hijackers took over the aircraft with the intent of crashing them into key locations. Two struck the Twin Towers of the World

A Talk on the Wild Side

by Felice Yarbough, Urban Park Ranger, Houston, Texas Adjusting to life during a global pandemic has forced us to think even more creatively than before, in an effort to continue fulfilling the mission of the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service. The FWS’s Houston Community Partnerships and Engagement Program had an opportunity to rise to the

The Healing Powers of Nature

“Get some fresh air.” This phrase is commonly used during times of stress. There may be no time in history when getting outside has been more powerful for our health, both physical and mental, then through the COVID-19 pandemic. But what is it that’s so calming about nature? The truth is – sometimes the walls

Conservation Wins: Past, Present and Future

Several people walking through field with metal rakes

Great American Outdoors Act It’s not often that legislation affecting conservation and young Americans is signed into law. So when one of the most pivotal conservation bills in nearly 50 years crosses the finish line, it calls for celebration. The recent passage of the Great American Outdoors Act, a bipartisan bill providing critical funding to

Studying Maryland’s Official State Reptile on Pax River’s Beaches

Since the end of May, a group of dedicated volunteers has been combing the beaches at NAS Patuxent River trying to learn and document what they can about the installation’s Northern Diamondback Terrapin population and their nesting habitat. Pax River’s open white sandy beaches, dunes and maritime forest provide the terrapins an ideal environment —

Nature Detective Makes Exploring Fun at Letchworth State Park

LETCHWORTH STATE PARK, NY (WKBW-TV — When the COVID crisis put a damper on live programming at Letchworth State Park, Conrad Baker went into action on the internet. He started producing “Nature Detectives” segments on Facebook.   Conrad, who grew up on Grand Island, is an intern at the park and a member of the

Congress Wants to Fix Public Lands

by Sally Jewell and Ken Salazar Among mountain trails and city parks in our home states of Colorado and Washington, we have gratefully found refuge in nature amid this global pandemic. Never has fresh air tasted so good as now, when it provides escape from a virus that is at its deadliest indoors. That may

SCA Calls for Passage of The CORPS Act

Statement by SCA Chief Executive Officer and President Stephanie Meeks “Officially, it is called the Cultivating Opportunity and Response to the Pandemic through Service Act. However, it is most often referred to by its acronym, the CORPS Act, and nothing could be truer. “Corps act. “As the coronavirus continues to spread through our communities and

Investment in the Outdoors Can Bring Jobs, Health, Conservation

By Jay Watson and Bruce Saito  The outdoors is having a moment in Congress, demonstrating bipartisan support for using public lands as a stimulus for economic recovery. The Senate has passed the landmark Great American Outdoors Act, which would permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund and partially fund the maintenance backlog for national parks

SCA Statement on Covid-19, June 30, 2020

Like you, SCA continues to monitor the spread of COVID-19. As U.S. cases total more than 2.5 million and the number of lives taken nears 130,000, the toll grows ever more tragic. One must not be infected to be affected, of course. Our nation’s economy is reeling and millions have lost their jobs. SCA is

Creating a Pollinator Paradise

If you’re starting in your pollinator garden journey, check out some of our resources on pollinator habitats and growing wildflowers. If you already have an efficacious garden full of native flowering plants, what’s next? Here are a few steps to turn your favorite outdoor space into a true pollinator paradise. Provide Shelter: Dead trees left

Amid Massive Teen Unemployment, Outdoor Youth Employers Find Success

Teenager Xander Hill was bummed about his summer. This spring, it looked like he’d miss out on his favorite job: being a lifeguard at Shaler’s Crawford Swimming Pool. Then, last month during a family dinner, his mom exclaimed from across the table, “Hey, the pool is going to open!” Xander, 16, is one of the

Advice for the Class of 2020

Last week we asked our alumni, supporters, and staff to offer our SCA members who are graduating from high school or college in 2020 their best advice as they enter into a world demanding justice and equity. We know their graduation ceremony will be different this year, but we can promise that one thing will

Precious Pollinators: Beyond Bees and Butterflies

There are probably a few specific critters that come to mind when you first hear the word pollinator. Maybe you picture the well-recognized colors of a Monarch fluttering through your backyard. Or honeybees and wasps buzzing from flower to flower. Unfortunately, we tend to overlook some other key members of the pollinator community, and negative

SCA Through the Years

The next few days will be significant. Tomorrow is a somber Juneteenth. Summer officially arrives on Saturday. And June 24th is SCA Founder’s Day, marking 63 years since Liz Putnam launched SCA and a national movement. So climb aboard the WABAC Machine for a whirlwind tour of SCA history. Be sure to buckle-up! The Write

SCA Provides Community Support During COVID-19

There has been a lot of pivoting for people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Folks may have imagined they would be working on a trail or teaching environmental education right now, but instead they are supporting their communities and frontline workers.   We are so proud of SCA alum Sarah Calhoun for pivoting her company Red

A Conservation Bridge

“Don’t mind that sound,” said Liz Putnam. “It’s only my bird clock chirping away.” Late last month, the recorded call of a yellow warbler signaled the start of an introductory phone conversation between SCA’s founder and its just-appointed president and CEO, Stephanie Meeks. “This is a real treat for me,” Stephanie said from her home

How SCA Prepared Me for This, Pt 2

by David Kurapka Like so many SCA alumni I was deeply moved by Sarah’s reflections on how her SCA experience prepared her for being isolated and sheltered in place during the current crisis. It made me think of my own experiences with the SCA, both in the high school program in Acadia National Park, and

April 2020 Recap

SCA’s Response to World Health Regulations During these uncertain times, many organizations must adapt to a new kind of normal. It is imperative to update our regulations and behaviors as social distancing practices continue to expand. The Student Conservation Association made the decision to cancel all in-person events and monitor programs in response to COVID-19. While operating remotely, our events management team redesigned corporate

Update: SCA Conservation Service During the Covid-19 Pandemic

A message to our applicants At SCA, the health and well-being of our service members is always our highest priority. During the coronavirus outbreak, we are adhering to CDC, local government, and partner site guidance as they pertain to teleworking, social distancing, and more. Looking ahead to the summer season, we anticipate fielding conservation programs

GulfCorps Members On Home, From Home

Since 2018, SCA has engaged local young adults in GulfCorps, a program in which members restore coastal habitats damaged by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill while developing valuable career skills. Since mid-March, however, SCA’s GulfCorps teams in Alabama have relocated from their waterfront worksites to their respective dens and dining rooms, due to the coronavirus.

Intern Has Memorable Earth Day

This 50th Earth Day is unlike any other and Katie Wareham is celebrating in similarly unique fashion: she’s exiting a self-imposed 14-day quarantine. But before we get to the end, let’s start at the beginning. Katie, a 23-year old from Frederick, MD, is and has been healthy since starting as an education and outreach intern

SCA Appoints Stephanie Meeks President & CEO

(ARLINGTON, VA) April 21, 2020 – The Student Conservation Association (SCA), a national leader in youth service and stewardship, today named Stephanie Meeks as its president and chief executive officer. Meeks brings extensive leadership experience in the conservation and nonprofit sectors. She was president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation for eight years, and prior

All in the Family — During National Park Week

March 16th marked Zack Rowatt’s and Erica Watkins’ first day as interpretive interns at Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve. That’s also the day the White House issued a work-from-home advisory, the Dow fell 3,000 points, and America moved into a new phase of the coronavirus outbreak. More than a month later, Zach, 25, and

That Time SCA Celebrated Earth Day With Not One But Two U.S. Presidents

by Kevin Hamilton, SCA VP for Communications On April 21, 2009 – barely three months after his inauguration – Barack Obama planted native trees with SCA volunteers at Washington, D.C.’s Kenilworth Aquatic Garden, an event that would mark his first Earth Day as president. Mr. Obama brought some friends, too, including First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice

Our Pledge to You

The coronavirus outbreak has brought hardship and heartbreak to many, and we hope you have been spared the worst. At SCA in recent weeks, we have suspended some service programs, delayed others, and provided support for volunteers who remain in the field, where their relative remoteness now yields additional advantages. And, with so many programs

Favorite Card Games of SCA Alumni

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic (which was after we took the photo above), SCA alum Sarah spoke about how her SCA experience helped to build coping skills like, “how to make bread. how to spend time alone, in the forest in quiet contemplation, or play killer card games.” It got us wondering: What

A Message from the Student Conservation Association

SCA hopes you are in good health and spirit. The Covid-19 pandemic has, for the time being, redefined everyday life. Yet even as we practice social distancing, the American people have come together by running errands for the elderly, staging balcony concerts, and leaving fresh baked goods on our neighbor’s doorstep. Humanity, too, has the

How SCA Prepared Me for This…

This. This post is everything right now. These are trying times indeed, but if we sit back and reflect on the words Sarah recently posted in SCA’s Alumni Facebook group, we will know we are well-prepared and will get through this together. We are grateful to the many who have reached out with expressions of

Find an Escape in Nature

It’s no secret that many of us are feeling confined right now. Between anxiety-inducing headlines and canceled social gatherings, our mental health is taking a hard hit. Aside from listening to podcasts, reading new books, and learning recipes, you might be wondering if there are other remedies to greatly reduce the cabin fever you are

SCA Statement on the Covid-19 Outbreak

SCA is grateful to the many who have reached out with expressions of encouragement, favor, and concern. Ours is a generous and caring community. SCA continues to monitor and manage the Covid-19 outbreak. We activated an Incident Response Team early on to serve as the point of our spear and protect the health and safety

Made in AmeriCorps: Simone Maule’s Story

In continuing our celebration of AmeriCorps Week 2020, Alumna Simone Maule reflects on her SCA AmeriCorps experience that provided the opportunity to serve a local New Hampshire community and created a path towards a career in environmental education. My Experience During my SCA term, I had the privilege of serving as an Interpretive Ranger with

Made In AmeriCorps – Anna Kellner’s Story

To celebrate AmeriCorps Week 2020, we are sharing the service stories of SCA AmeriCorps alumni and how their experiences impacted them. Anna Kellner took the plunge and explored challenges she had never encountered before, and those challenges ultimately ended up being the greatest reward. In her own words, here is her story…   I woke

SCA’s Covid-19 Response

SCA’s uppermost priority is the health and well-being of our staff and members. We are continuing to monitor and respond to the ongoing Covid-19 situation by reviewing CDC and WHO guidelines daily, as well as public health recommendations at relevant local levels.  As circumstances evolve, so too will SCA policies to help ensure overall safety

Suffrage in Black and White

In February 2020, we introduced SCA interns – and twins – Megan and Katie Woods, who are researching underplayed yet essential moments from Boston’s past at the National Parks of Boston. In her blog, Megan examined the presence of African Americans on the local historical landscape. To bridge Black History Month with Women’s History Month,

More Than the Revolution: Expanding Narratives at the National Parks of Boston

SCA interns – and sisters – Megan and Katie Woods are researching rarely recognized yet essential moments in US history at the National Parks of Boston. In a fortuitous turn, their work coincides with this, African American History Month, and March’s Women’s History Month. Here is Part One of their absorbing look back – and

Of Mentors and Models

SCA volunteers are known for their contributions to America’s parks and forests, but often less recognized is the extraordinary influence site supervisors have on these young stewards. Rangers, biologists, trail foremen, and others instruct, advise, and inspire SCA members on a daily basis, helping to shape everything from their perspectives to their careers. During this,

SCA and NPS MLK Day of Service at Anacostia Park

Service in Honor of MLK Jr. Day On Monday, January 20th, Student Conservation Association (SCA), in sponsorship with American Express and Southwest Airlines, teamed up with National Park Service (NPS) to serve at Anacostia National Park. In honor of MLK Jr. Day, over 150 community volunteers came out to help remove litter from the park

How the NPS Academy Changed One Person’s Life

By Nancy Fernandez Jessica Zamudio and I first met in 2015 when we were both selected to participate in a special internship program run by the Student Conservation Association that introduced undergraduate and graduate students to career opportunities in the National Park Service. For students, it can offer the experience of working in some of

10 Most Popular Instagram Photos of 2019

These are the photos that the SCA Instagram community liked best in 2019! Whether you’re looking for stunning outdoor landscapes or stories of adventure from the field of conservation, our Instagram posts had something for everyone last year. You can follow along in 2020 and beyond at @the_sca and browse photos from SCA leaders and

Partnership between UAA, SCA, and the Bureau of Land Management

by Jenny Blanchard, BLM At the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Anchorage Field Office, we are responsible for managing 23 million acres of land in western Alaska. This land is almost all roadless, making any archaeological fieldwork challenging. Without our close relationship with the UAA Department of Anthropology, we would get very little proactive research