There has been a lot of pivoting for people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Folks may have imagined they would be working on a trail or teaching environmental education right now, but instead they are supporting their communities and frontline workers.
We are so proud of SCA alum Sarah Calhoun for pivoting her company Red Ants Pants to producing PPE for local healthcare workers. The company, which is based in White Sulphur Springs, is known for producing women’s workwear. But right now the company’s “Made in the USA” approach is especially important, as they pivot to providing personal protective equipment, or PPE.
“It’s just what we do, right?” said Sarah Calhoun, the owner of Red Ants Pants. “If we have the tools or the supplies, or the means, this is what Montanans do. Pitch in to an effort, and be neighbors.” Learn more about how they are helping out here.
In other efforts, SCA adult members of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Corp sewed masks from home. The Altoona crew has thus far completed 214 masks that were given to front line workers of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. They continue to make masks for those who need them. 
Additionally, the Pittsburgh crew spent the week of March 18-22 working full time with Abram’s Nation making masks that were distributed to nursing homes for elderly and special needs adults across the city.  
SCA, our members, and alums will continue to do whatever possible to support our communities in need during these unprecedented times. Our service has prepared us with resilience, grit, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances–and we will utilize those skills now and into the future.

An SCA crew member with reddish pigtails and wearking a white leader hat looks directly at the camera. There is text over the image that reads: "We Need Your Support More Than Ever" with a Donate button.