SCA is grateful to the many who have reached out with expressions of encouragement, favor, and concern. Ours is a generous and caring community.

SCA continues to monitor and manage the Covid-19 outbreak. We activated an Incident Response Team early on to serve as the point of our spear and protect the health and safety of our people and service members. And, as we fulfill our mission, we also are taking steps to avoid any potential transmission of the virus.

As an organization, we are following CDC and WHO directives while complying with related federal, state, and local directives. We are in contact with our many partners to share information and coordinate responses.

While the coronavirus presents unique and serious circumstances, SCA has successfully managed a range of matters over the past 60 years and we are applying that vast experience to every aspect of this situation.

Among the most recent developments:

  • Some SCA field programs have been temporarily idled by local decrees and SCA is assisting volunteers enrolled in those programs.
  • All field programs are following safety protocols such as social distancing and regular hygiene.
  • Protocols are also in place should any program member become symptomatic.
  • SCA’s non-field staff have been instructed to work from home, as able, until further notice.
  • Staff are also advised to avoid non-essential air or rail travel until further notice.
  • In keeping with the most recent federal guidelines, SCA has cancelled gatherings of 50 people or more; these include the Convening on Youth Co-Powerment, scheduled for March 18-19 in Washington, DC, as well as numerous Earth Day events planned for April.  

At this time, SCA’s summer programming remains unaffected.

Our highest priority is the health and well-being of our staff and volunteers. As conditions change, SCA policies will evolve accordingly and we will post further updates here.

We urge everyone to practice the latest government guidelines designed to limit transmission of the virus, and we hope you and your loved ones are well and secure.

An SCA crew member with reddish pigtails and wearking a white leader hat looks directly at the camera. There is text over the image that reads: "We Need Your Support More Than Ever" with a Donate button.