Last week we asked our alumni, supporters, and staff to offer our SCA members who are graduating from high school or college in 2020 their best advice as they enter into a world demanding justice and equity.

We know their graduation ceremony will be different this year, but we can promise that one thing will stay the same: lots of advice for our new graduates.

So for the class of ’20, here are some inspirational words of advice from 20 SCA alumni and supporters.

  1. Take the time to review the path you’re on, and whether your original motives still hold true for you. Finding that change is needed to obtain fulfillment, is a gift, not an admission of error. The “self” you start as, will change, as you grow.


  2. Do everything well. Be true and right. The smallest things count, too. You’ll sleep better at night, and you will get noticed and appreciated for your care to detail. Learn all the time. Through successes and your difficult moments. You won’t be sorry.
  3. Please, never give up. Challenging times will come and go. In between there will be times of great hope and progress. Hold your course, work for the long game with conservation as your guide.


  4. Enjoy our national and state parks. They will inspire you to protect them. Follow the reduce, recycle, reuse rule. Think about your residence and how to reduce energy use. Keep in touch with Congress. Let them know your opinions.
  5. Never lose your curiosity. Keep learning and always think big! Choose a career path that feels right for you now but never be afraid to try something different if you have a better idea later. Congratulations, and good luck!


  6. Don’t ever give up, plant more trees!
  7. Go wherever the work seems fun/interesting/challenging–don’t let geography or ties limit/control the parameters of your life’s flow. You’ll feel when it’s time to settle and you’ll be a much richer and more developed person for the experiences.


  8. Do what you love. Actions speak louder than words so show your passion.  My best wishes to you and this very exciting time in your life. Enjoy!
  9. Find yourself a wonderful and caring mentor you – and maintain that relationship forever.
  10. Hello, I want you to know, that you represent the best future of the finest gifts this world has to offer. I hope each and every one of you go on to careers where you can, at least in some way, protect the earth. The earth and its inhabitants need you!


  11. Life ebbs and flows. Trying, difficult, and unique times in our lives are necessary. However, they don’t last forever. I like to think of the word impermanence. Nothing is permanent and things will always change.
  12. Do what people have said you could never do or accomplish. Don’t let others tell you that your dreams cannot be reached because anything is possible if you believe hard enough.
  13. Stay curious. Never lose your sense of wonder. Be change agents!
  14. Listen. Have empathy for others. Strive for equality and equity. Take action. Be kind in all your endeavors. Lead with love and respect.


  15. Work hard. Share your knowledge with anyone who needs it – no more us vs. them mentality! When your time comes, and the opportunity presents itself, be a mentor to someone who needs your help and guidance. Thank those who help you by paying it forward.
  16. Listen to nature. Nature is the teacher. Heed your inner voice and advice from your heart. Teach by example, lead by example, obey compassion and the source of all revolution: LOVE. Live in service, dedicate peace to youth. Drink water, sleep well. Be you.
  17. Fight for your team.  Focus on your mission. Pay attention to the small details. Be a servant-leader. Don’t lose perspective of who you are. Stand up for your convictions. Always have the facts with you.


  18. Start with respect – assume the best of anyone you meet for the first time. Your growing life experience will help you understand why people may or may not act in ways you can understand from your own expectations of life. And cherish nature.
  19. Hello 2020 grads! It’s a tough year, but you can handle it I know! My advice to you is follow your heart! Do what you feel you must. Don’t let others tell you it’s not right, or not possible. Give it a shot! But be willing to work hard for your dreams!


  20. As human life is inseparable from both living and nonliving things, we need to conserve all that surrounds us for the purpose of the future generation. Our present is determined by our past, and our present action will help the future generation.