Statement by SCA Chief Executive Officer and President Stephanie Meeks

“Officially, it is called the Cultivating Opportunity and Response to the Pandemic through Service Act. However, it is most often referred to by its acronym, the CORPS Act, and nothing could be truer.

“Corps act.

“As the coronavirus continues to spread through our communities and economy, SCA calls on Congress to swiftly pass this important legislation. The bipartisan CORPS Act, introduced by Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) and Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS), will provide critically-needed jobs and public assistance as part of a three-year Covid-19 recovery plan.

“The bill will expand AmeriCorps national service placements to 250,000 per year, and finally achieve the participation levels authorized in the Serve America Act of 2009. SCA cannot help but note that moments after he signed the Serve America Act into law, President Barack Obama grabbed a shovel and joined an SCA tree-planting crew to further demonstrate his commitment to service. Mr. Obama also brought several special guests, including former President Bill Clinton, who created AmeriCorps in 1993. SCA has been an AmeriCorps partner ever since.

“As the CORPS Act evokes the spirit of the 1930s Civilian Conservation Corps, there is clearly much history in play here – but we must now focus on our future. America will come back from this crisis but it will take time and require government support. Expanding national service, including positions related to the protection and restoration of our natural resources, is vital to restarting our economy. It will also afford young people the training and experience needed to launch careers in an especially difficult job market, and provide relief and stability at the local level all across our nation.

“Senator Wicker has said recovering from the coronavirus will require ‘all-hands.’ Take it from an organization whose credo is ‘hands-on’pass the CORPS Act now.”

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