SCA Internship Program

Kickstart Your Conservation Career

Join the crew at work for the planet.

SCA Mojave Desert Restoration Crew Member raking dirt in the Mojave desert

Important Internship Information

Your go-to resource for keeping track of logistics and making the most of your SCA experience.

  • SCA Intern Handbook

    This is your go-to resource for getting inspired, keeping track of logistics and making the most of your SCA experience. Print it out for use throughout your internship.

    SCA Intern Handbook

  • Time Logs

    You must complete and approve your timesheets in ADP Workforce Manager. This function is accessible from your ADP portal.

    To access Workforce Manager, log into your ADP account.

    On the ADP homepage, click “Workforce Manager Time and Attendance” under Helpful Links.

    Step-By-Step Guide.

  • Output Logs

    Interns and crew leaders will receive an email from the SCA every two weeks, with a link and instructions for completing output logs.

  • AmeriCorps

    If you are enrolled in AmeriCorps, visit the SCA’s AmeriCorps page for more information about benefits and responsibilities of this program.

  • Professional Development

    We encourage program participants and site supervisors to meet at the start of the season to go over expectations and goals during the position.

    Please download the Individual Development Plan template and complete it during the first week of your internship.

    One method we suggest to complete this worksheet is using SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-focused and Time-focused.)

    Feel free to also use the How to Handle Me Memo.

  • Member Reimbursements

    Crew members requesting reimbursement for expenses must submit the Program Reimbursement form.

    Before submitting a request, make sure your supervisor has approved it is an allowable expense.

    If you are unsure of what your Position # on the form, please write in UNKNOWN. Your SCA advisor can assist and update that once the form is submitted.

  • Food Stamps

    Your SCA position might make you eligible for Food Stamps.

    If interested, reach out to your work state for more information.

    Your SCA advisor can provide you with a letter of stipend for processing.

SCA intern assisting with sea turtle hatchling release at Padre Island National Seashore

Safety Resources

The SCA and its partners strive for the safest work environment possible.

  • Intern Emergency Line: (571) 895-1799

    Intern Emergency Line: (571) 895-1799

    SCA staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the event an intern experiences an unexpected emergency while serving in their position.

    Save this number in your phone at the start of your position (571) 895-1799.

    This number should be used if your SCA advisor is not available or if you need assistance outside of normal work hours.

    Including your SCA advisor or staff at this emergency number as early as possible ensures the SCA can enact organizational resources to support you.

    Always call 911 or emergency services, first, in the event of a life threatening emergency or if in immediate danger.

  • Incident Reports

    Should anything occur that may impact your personal safety or wellbeing, contact your SCA advisor as soon as possible.

    Your SCA advisor will submit an incident report to help you get the care you need and to engage with organizational resources to support you.

    In addition to your site’s policies, procedures, and other safety-related systems and processes, all SCA internships receive Worker’s Compensation for work-related injury and illness.

  • Remote Work Areas

    Working at the SCA could mean working in very remote areas.

    Some of which might require flights or ferries to reach the nearest medical facility.

    In unforeseen circumstances, accidents can always happen.

    Please come prepared with enough available finances to cover any non-work related costs including but not limited to transportation, lodging, medical, and food.

    There are insurance options available that can help you during an unfortunate situation, such as Divers Alert Network (DAN) .

  • Worker’s Compensation

    Worker’s Compensation is additional insurance coverage that may apply to interns who are injured or ill at the workplace.

    Worker’s Compensation is regulated by the state a worker’s employer or host site performs their duties.

    Reporting all work-related injuries and illnesses to your SCA advisor within 24 hours is essential to initiate a claim.

    Worker’s Compensation claims are intended to help with the medical costs associated with each claim, however the amount of coverage is determined by the SCA’s Worker’s Compensation carrier. 

  • Safety Resources
SCA Field Leader Leading Crew

Public Land Corps (PLC) Hiring Authority

The authority allows you to apply for permanent federal positions with the U.S. Forest Service and other land management agencies, including the National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Several people walking through field with metal rakes

Connect With Your Advisor

Your SCA Advisor is here to support you and help guide you on your internship journey. If you have any questions about your internship that cannot be addressed through the resources above, reach out to them with your question. SCA Advisors are also great resources for you as you think about what kind of career you are thinking about and how you can translate your internship experience into your next career steps.

Hannah Ashley

Chris Burley

Jamila Jackson

Shamar Jackson

Bruce Midgette

Chris-Michael Tena

Crystal Townsel

Follow The Work We Do

Join our community of supporters who care deeply about preserving parks, public lands and urban green spaces.

An SCA crew member with reddish pigtails and wearking a white leader hat looks directly at the camera. There is text over the image that reads: "We Need Your Support More Than Ever" with a Donate button.