Transform Your Future with SCA Arizona!

Ready to make a real impact on the world around you for generations to come? Our paid environmental protection and restoration programs give you hands-on experience building trails, restoring natural areas and learning about the Southern Four Corners Region.

This unique area marks the quadripoint in the Southwestern United States where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. Our program participants will have the opportunity to work at Four Corners Monument Navajo Tribal Park alongside National Park Service staff.

Why Join SCA Arizona?

  • Get Paid: Earn while learning valuable green job skills.
  • Gain Experience: Explore career pathways in conservation.
  • Make a Difference: Help create a healthier, more sustainable Arizona.

Teen & Young Adult

Our Prgram

Whether you're a student looking for a paid summer job or a recent graduate who's curious about nature, the SCA's Arizona Conservation Crew has a place for you. Explore our diverse opportunities and start your journey toward a greener future.

Ages 14-19

Summer Conservation Crew

These paid eight-week positions take place from June to August around the Southern Four Corners Region and offer high-school-age participants a transformative experience outdoors, completing conservation projects and learning about the career field. Crew members work on an array of projects, including trail maintenance and restoration, maintenance projects around the park, culturally and historically significant projects and interpretive opportunities.

Four Corners National Monument, Navajo Tribal Park at the quadripoint of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado where SCA members work on service projects with the National Park Service.
Age 21+

Crew Leader Opportunities

Crew Leaders supervise and train SCA conservation crews working in the field. These paid outdoor positions guide, inspire and motivate our high school and young adult participants while making critical decisions daily regarding the safety and well-being of our crew members. During training and throughout the season, crew leaders gain experience and expertise in various conservation skills like trail building, habitat restoration, environmental education and community outreach. These positions are great for young professionals building their conservation and environmental work experience.

A person standing in the forest wearing a hard hat and holding an axe.
Skills & Training

Professional Development

Our program participants learn how to work with a diverse team of peers; gain knowledge of public land resources, environmental issues, and career readiness skills; increase their understanding of environmental and trail restoration techniques; acquire experience in public service and outdoor recreation; and develop valuable professional skills through teambuilding and leadership activities.

Environmental Education Icon Environmental Education
Habitat Restoration & Planting Trees Icon Habitat Restoration
Green Jobs Preparedness & Job Training Icon Job Readiness
Wildlife, Animals Monitored Icon Leave No Trace

Outdoor Ethics

Team Building Icon Team Building
Trail Skills Icon Trail Skills