Nestlé and the Student Conservation Association (SCA) have joined forces to connect individuals, families, and communities to public lands and water sources, with the goal of enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future.
On August 10th, Nestlé in the U.S. is hosting #NestleCares, a national day of volunteering across Nestlé’s 120 U.S. hometowns. SCA is proud to be a partner in this endeavor by facilitating opportunities for Nestlé in the U.S. employees, families, and friends to engage in team-based service projects in 9 different cities. These projects will focus on some of the most urgent conservation needs including pollinator habitat restoration and water conservation.
Nestlé is also supporting four SCA Community Engagement Fellows in organizing pollinator and water conservation-related projects for the National Day of Volunteering and beyond. Follow these talented young leaders and their efforts to promote conservation as they blog about their experiences this summer.