In honor of World Water Day (March 22, 2024), the Student Conservation Association is highlighting the work done by our program participants doing their part to protect this crucial resource.
This important work includes managing natural resources, monitoring water quality, educating the public on water-related topics and protecting aquatic species.
Read on to learn more about where our crews are working with this vital resource this spring.
Sauk River from Clear Creek Bridge, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest in Marblemount, Washington. (Anne Vassar/U.S. Forest Service)
The SCA Aquatics Crew will focus on gathering stream data in tributaries within the Skykomish, Snoqualmie, Upper White and/or Upper Green River watersheds as part of restoration planning, fishery conservation and aquatic monitoring at Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest in Washington. The field data collected by the interns will provide important information on stream and riparian conditions. The information will also help land managers understand legacy impacts impairing water quality and aquatic habitat function.
Redfish Lake Creek at Sawtooth National Recreation Area in Jerome, Idaho. (Steve Lagreca)
As part of the Sawtooth National Recreation Area team, SCA crew members will assist with monitoring aquatic invasive species at the Sawtooth National Recreation Area near Stanley, Idaho. This team will also help with the implementation of ongoing boat inspection and educational efforts by the Idaho State Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Forest Service in the Upper Salmon Watershed to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (e.g. quagga and zebra mussels, New Zealand mud snails, whirling disease, watermilfoil) through public outreach, early detection and boat disinfection.
SCA Water Safety Intern at Raystown Lake in Hesston, Pennsylvania. (Raystown Lake)
The SCA’s Water Safety interns will help educate visitors in both English and Spanish about the dangers of swimming in waters in New Jersey where there are no lifeguards present. They will also teach visitors how to recognize characteristics of various water depths, changes in currents and tides, and manufactured hazards in the water. Interns will instruct visitors on what to do when encountering danger in the water and how to get help while promoting and educating the public about water safety and Leave No Trace outdoor ethics using photos and videos posted on the park’s social media forums and website.