Every May, we highlight the significance of historic preservation. From landscaping to window restoration, maintaining historic sites gives us glimpses into the past that can be shared with future generations.

The Student Conservation Association offers several programs focusing on historic preservation. This specialty allows SCA crew members to learn much-needed technical skills, including carpentry and masonry, while preserving numerous historic buildings, homes and trail-side structures nationwide.

SCA crew member assisting with window restoration.

Historic Preservation in Public Lands Corps

The SCA Massachusetts Historic Preservation Corps has been fielding crews in the Greater Boston area for several years. Training and projects are labor-intensive and aim to address historic preservation and maintenance needs on public lands in Massachusetts.

This season’s team is overseeing preservation projects that include cutting and installing clapboards at Minute Man National Historical Park and the Charlestown Navy Yard. During National Park Week in April, the crew had the chance to meet with National Park Service Director Charles F. “Chuck” Sams during his visit to Boston National Historical Park, where they shared their preservation accomplishments. Director Sams is the park service’s first Native American director.

2023 SCA Massachusetts Historic Preservation Corps with National Park Service Director Chuck Sams.

Traditional Trades Advancement Program

The SCA also partners with the National Park Service to host the Traditional Trades Advancement Program, which provides hands-on, historic preservation trade skills training through an intensive learning-while-working experience at various National Park Service sites across the country. The program aims to build the next generation of historic trades workers to continue preserving historic resources and crucial infrastructure.

SCA interns are currently serving through this unique program at sites in Massachusetts, South Carolina and Alaska.

Curious about more historic preservation positions at the SCA? Visit our Positions Listings page for opportunities to Join The Crew.