This summer the Chippewa National Forest was fortunate to host a group of Student Conservation Association (SCA) interns. SCA is an organization created by Liz Putnam, who modeled it based on the Civilian Conservation Corp model. The basic concept was national lands need summer staff for projects and high use times; and young adults need experience. So, to give our public lands a boost and to enable our young people to gain valuable job experience while also enjoying the great outdoors, the SCA was formed.

Today, the SCA sends high school and college-aged young adults to federal land across the U.S., doing service work that includes maintaining and building trails, invasive weeds removal, working in interpretive centers, and many other jobs.

This summer on the Chippewa National Forest, the SCA interns worked on trails projects across the Forest. The interns have gained valuable skills this summer in: carpentry, rock-splitting, trail maintenance, safe tool use and care, teamwork, communication, perseverance and cooperation.

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