Since the start of the pandemic, SCA has continually monitored Covid-19 trends, CDC guidance, and related local protocols. Parallel to this exercise, we have also maintained a comprehensive and ever-evolving Covid-19 Management Plan to safeguard the health and well-being of SCA members, partners, and staff.

This plan includes measures for mitigating risks, directives related to potential infections or exposure, and steps designed to allow members in the field to continue their service safely and securely.

In the interests of transparency and in the hope that, together, we can help vanquish the virus, SCA invites external stakeholders to review our Covid-19 management framework in its entirety.

An SCA crew member with reddish pigtails and wearking a white leader hat looks directly at the camera. There is text over the image that reads: "We Need Your Support More Than Ever" with a Donate button.