Members of NPCA’s Next Generation Advisory Council shine a spotlight on young leaders around the country who are making a difference in conservation.
Safe, equitable access to our public lands plays an important role in our physical, mental and spiritual health. These 10 individuals, selected by members of the Next Generation Advisory Council from more than 60 nominations, are applying their own unique combination of skill, experience and passion to create positive change in one or more of these areas, and we want to honor and elevate their voices.
Of the 10, three are SCA alums (pictured above from left to right):
  • Sierra Taliaferro, 29, a naturalist with the Broward County Parks and Recreation Department in Florida and an advocate for equitable access to public lands
  • Allison Williams, 37, an information assistant and volunteer coordinator at Francis Marion National Forest in South Carolina
  • Jasmin-Marie “Jas” Jones, 30, a law enforcement ranger at Gateway Arch National Park in St. Louis, who mentors women and underrepresented groups who don’t often see themselves in law enforcement