Two-time alum Elijah Pineda-Rodriguez is sharing his experience serving with SCA and the poem he was inspired to write after his time as an apprentice crew leader in Houston.
Howdy Everyone! My name is Elijah Pineda-Rodriguez and I was an apprentice crew leader this past summer with the SCA. I am eighteen years old and was born and raised here in Houston where I have spent my past two summers with the SCA. My first experience with the SCA was last summer when I was a member of the Houston Youth Crew, and I had such an amazing time that I couldn’t help but come back. This fall, I will be attending the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor where I will major in plant biology, so I was so very grateful to have the chance to spend my last summer before college working outdoors, surrounded by the natural beauty of my native city. My time as a leader with the SCA was definitely one of the most meaningful and memorable experiences of my life, and I would one hundred percent recommend the opportunity to anyone interested in this kind of work.