We asked our SCA community to vote for their favorite fall photo and the results are in! Cleveland received the most votes. But Cleveland isn’t the only location where you can find SCA crews in action. At the Student Conservation Association (SCA), our crews protect and preserve some of the most beautiful places in the country, from the remote wilderness to green spaces like these three cities in our Urban Green program:

1. Cleveland

The SCA Cleveland Community Program centers around team-based projects designed to introduce young adults to conservation work, challenge members to complete high-impact trail projects and practice valuable interpersonal skills while gaining job readiness skills. Moreover, work crews primarily focus on trail building and maintenance while guided by trail builders and land managers from Cleveland Metroparks, one of the nation’s most visited parks.

2. Seattle

In Seattle, the SCA has been fielding local conservation crews since 1984 throughout the Pacific Northwest region. With generous support from several public agencies, environmental organizations, schools, youth development organizations, and community groups, the SCA continues to provide conservation opportunities to young people from the area each year.

3. Atlanta

Crew members in Atlanta build trails and restore habitat while exploring green career opportunities, building leadership skills and learning about the local environment through environmental education field trips, outdoor recreation and service projects.

Want to have an impact on the next generation of conservation leaders and our planet? Make your special one-time gift now and it will be DOUBLED!