These are the photos that the SCA Instagram community liked best and the top SCA blog posts from 2021!

Instagram Posts

Whether you’re looking for stunning outdoor landscapes or stories of adventure from the field of conservation, our Instagram posts had something for everyone last year. You can follow along in 2022 and beyond at @the_sca and browse photos from SCA leaders and members tagged with #studentconservationassociation.

Number 1: SCA Pacific Northwest Roving Trail Team

Number 2: Excelsior Conservation Corps

Number 3: Liz Putnam, Founder’s Day

Number 4: Tongass National Forest

Number 5: New Hampshire Conservation Stewards

Blog Posts

From fun trail side recipes to a recap of the Parks Pandemonium Tournament, the 2021 blog series covered a diverse set of topics!

Number 1: Plan Your Meals with SCA: Tasty Trailside Treats

Number 2: SCA Summer 2021 Snapshots

Number 3: Preserving African American History

Number 4: Keeping it Cool with SCA Crews

Number 5: New River Gorge Takes Parks Pandemonium