Now in its 6th Season, the GulfCorps Conservation Crew is hard at work in Alabama and Texas. Since 2018, the SCA has been partnering with The Nature Conservancy, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, The Corps Network and a host of local partners to restore the coastline along the Gulf of Mexico.

Back in September, the SCA lead a week-long orientation for 11 GulfCorps crews in Alabama – the first in-person orientation since the pandemic began. The teams then dispersed to aid coastal forests, plant native vegetation, conduct prescribed burns and monitor the progress of past projects.

More than 50 young adults have served with the SCA through the GulfCorps program and helped restore more than 20,000 acres of critical habitat. The program is funded through the Deepwater Horizon oil spill settlement.

Visit the SCA website to learn more about the GulfCorps Conservation Crew and how you can join.