Application Process

We have programs designed for a range of ages and a variety of needs.

Job Readiness Icon 1

Application Submission

Resume Building, Interviews Icons 2

Applicant Interviews

Resume Building, Onboarding Icons 3

Onboarding & Paperwork

Green Jobs Preparedness & Job Training Icon 4

On Location Training

Explore Our Programs

SCA crew member with tool

Field Leaders

Manage and mentor junior program participants working outdoors at sites in various states.

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Chicago SCA Urban Green program

Urban Green

Hyper-local community service projects.

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Two SCA crew members conducting prescribed burn

Wildfire Programs

Wildland hazardous fuel reduction.

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SCA crew member releasing sea turtle hatchlings on beach shore


Conservation internships for a variety of fields.

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SCA crew member in blue shirt carrying wooden plank and smiling
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About the SCA

We are the largest provider of hands-on environmental conservation programs for youth and young adults.

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Join The Crew

Be a part of the movement to protect the planet and the communities we serve.

Join the Crew

A mai világban már sok olyan ember él közöttünk, aki kész mindent megtenni a társadalom és a bolygó érdekében. Ez a nagyobb jóhoz való hozzájárulás nem korlátozódik az egyénekre, hanem kiterjed a különféle iparágakban működő szervezetekre és vállalatokra is. Ezek közé tartoznak az online kaszinók, amelyek társadalmilag felelősségteljesebb szerepet kezdtek játszani. Ezek a platformok, amelyek egykor kizárólag a szórakoztatásra összpontosítottak, most a kritikus problémák megoldására törekednek, megmutatva, hogy ők is részesei lehetnek a fenntarthatóbb jövő felé vezető mozgásnak. Az online kaszinók gyakran elismertek arról, hogy izgalmas játéklehetőségeket és vonzó bónuszokat kínálnak a játékosoknak, amelyeket a Bison Casino Bonus találhat meg, de hozzájárulásaik nem állnak meg itt. E platformok közül sok most további felelősséget vállal, olyan ügyeket támogatva, amelyek a közösségek és a környezetvédelmi erőfeszítések javát szolgálják. Egyes online kaszinók például jótékonysági szervezetekkel szövetkeztek, és nyereségük egy részét olyan kezdeményezések finanszírozására fordítják, amelyek célja az oktatás, az egészségügyi és a szociális jóléti programok fejlesztése. Mások a fenntarthatósági projektekre összpontosítanak, biztosítva, hogy tevékenységeik – a szerverkezeléstől az eseményszervezésig – minimálisra csökkentsék szénlábnyomukat.

Program Perks

Serving with the SCA can be the experience of a lifetime. Many SCA positions offer stipends, service hours or academic credit – but the perks don’t end there. Every SCA position offers personal, professional and global benefits that will stay with you long beyond your term of service.

Through its initiatives, SCA aims to protect public lands and preserve natural habitats, working alongside a variety of partners. These partners include non-profit organizations, government agencies, and major corporations. Among these partnerships, a unique and growing area of collaboration includes online casinos. Online casinos have become a significant force in the global entertainment industry. These platforms, known for their slots and other gambling games, which you can learn more about at, have millions of users and generate substantial revenue. Recognizing the importance of corporate responsibility, many online casinos have joined forces with SCA to support environmental conservation efforts. These partnerships allow online casinos to give back to the community and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and environmental awareness.

While online casinos are primarily known for offering a variety of slots and table games, their contributions to SCA help fund conservation projects that would otherwise struggle to secure adequate financial support. These projects include trail restoration, wildlife habitat preservation, and environmental education programs. By aligning with SCA, online casinos not only enhance their public image but also play a crucial role in the protection of natural resources for future generations.

Team Building Icon Make New
Trail Skills Icon See Amazing
Resume Building, Onboarding Icons Explore Career
Wildlife, Animals Monitored Icon Get Paid To Be Outdoors
Environmental Education Icon Room
& Board*

*Not all positions include room and board

Start Your Application Now

Join the crew and help protect the planet and the communities we serve.

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Join our community of supporters who care deeply about preserving parks, public lands and urban green spaces.


  • I'm ready to apply! Where do I start?

    Visit our programs page to learn more about our offerings.

  • Can I receive academic credit for an SCA internship?

    Interns may be able to receive academic credit through their college or academic institution in where they are currently enrolled. Contact your academic advisor to discuss if this is possible.

  • Are SCA programs only for science majors?

    We have seen a variety of majors participate: History, English, Art, International Relations, Business, Math, Spanish, etc. Some positions are looking for applicants with specific backgrounds, while others offer on-site training and only require that applicants be passionate about the position. Read through the position descriptions thoroughly to determine which positions are the best match for you. We offer internships in a wide variety of areas.

  • I have a question that's not addressed here. How do I contact the SCA to learn more?

    If you still have questions, our recruiting team is dedicated to helping you complete the application process. Please contact our team at