Launch Your Conservation Career!

Since 1994, the SCA New Hampshire Conservation Corps has provided 1.4 million hours of service on public lands and to the people of New Hampshire through a partnership with the New Hampshire Department of Natural and Cultural Resources and AmeriCorps.

Each year, program participants contribute tens of thousands of service hours, educating the state’s residents and visitors about local flora, fauna and natural history while completing conservation service projects that improve and protect the state’s recreational, ecological, and cultural resources.

Throughout the program, participants also build leadership and technical skills in the conservation field while developing their ethic of service and stewardship.

Current Opportunities

The New Hampshire Conservation Corps is based within Bear Brook State Park at Spruce Pond Camp, developed by the Civilian Conservation Corps and Works Progress Administration in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Located in the middle of a 10,000-acre park, program participants have access to 40 miles of trails for exploring, making it an idyllic setting for living, learning and immersing oneself in all things nature and outdoor recreation.

  • Field Crew Member

    The SCA is seeking Field Crew Members to serve throughout New Hampshire, completing habitat restoration and recreational resources projects from the Atlantic Coast to the White Mountains and beyond.

    Expected Dates: March 31 – Oct. 30, 2025. Pay: $6,820 Living Allowance.

    Apply Now
  • Interpretive Ranger

    The SCA is seeking Interpretive Rangers to serve communities throughout New Hampshire by providing programs with NH State Park and other outdoor recreational programs. You will lead fun and engaging programs to connect residents and visitors with the natural and recreational resources of New Hampshire State Parks.

    Expected Dates: March 31 – Oct. 30, 2025. Pay: $6,820 Living Allowance.

    Apply Now
Skills & Training

Professional Development

The New Hampshire Conservation Corps enhances and protects the state's natural areas through local and natural history educational programs, interpretive ranger programs, and conservation stewardship projects that include trail and recreational management projects and other land and historic preservation projects.

Chainsaw Certification Icon Chainsaw Certification
Environmental Education Icon Natural History Education
Trail Skills Icon Trail Maintenance Training
Wildlife, Animals Monitored Icon Leave No Trace

Outdoor Ethics Training

A logo of a person with holding a shovel Leadership Training
Habitat Restoration & Planting Trees Icon Habitat Restoration

Contact Us

Zach Belis
Program Manager – New England
Phone: 716-548-6211

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