“The rage in our communities and the grief in our hearts is tragically all too familiar. We have repeatedly witnessed the inhumane mistreatment of African Americans in this country. It is not limited to George Floyd or Ahmaud Arbery or others whose final breaths were captured on cell phone videos. This horrifically oppressive practice dates back for centuries. It is a central part of this country’s history – and we must not allow it to be part of our future.

“SCA understands the fury unleashed by so many in recent days. It comes not only in the wake of multiple atrocities against the Black community, it also comes amid a pandemic that has struck hardest at minorities, an economic collapse that has further marginalized the least privileged, and a society struggling with increasing divisions. Injustice is intolerable in any form.

“The killings of Black citizens by police underscore the many structural inequities in America and the ever-present risks inherent in being a person of color, LGBTQ+, a follower of certain religions, or a believer in any number of things perceived by others as different and threatening.

For many years, SCA has worked on conservation efforts in places like Chicago, Houston, New York, Washington, DC, and other affected communities. As people in cities across America rise up in protest, SCA will use its voice and its programs to champion justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. We urge every individual—no matter their status or standing—to immediately join with us in this overdue imperative.”