As SCA works with others to forge a more inclusive conservation community, we enthusiastically commemorate Latino Conservation Week. This annual celebration recognizes Latinos’ stewardship of our planet and promotes lifelong connections with nature.

Latinos are the fastest growing demographic in America. However, like many communities of color, Latinos disproportionately endure the effects of climate change and routinely confront barriers to the outdoors. These factors underscore the importance of SCA’s Black and Latinx Corps in Houston and our efforts to engage and co-power young leaders of every background.

Earlier this year, three-time SCA Chicago participant Luis Cabrales was named Corpsmember of the Year by The Corps Network. An advocate for social and environmental justice, Luis spoke for all SCA volunteers when he acknowledged his desire “to be part of a cause bigger than myself.”

Conserving our lands and waters is among our most urgent imperatives as, in addition to nurturing us, these same resources form a common ground that unite and uplift us as a people.

Much like nature itself, our strength is in our diversity. This and every week, SCA salutes the Latino stewards who contribute so significantly to calling of conservation and the richness of our society.

Photo: Miesha Dennis/MD2Studio for the National Park Foundation