Few, if any, calendars note it, and Hallmark has no greeting card for it, but February is National Youth Leadership Month. It is a time to advance and celebrate the rising leaders among us who are making a difference in our communities and the world at large.

Of course, that’s a 24/7 practice at SCA, though we have ramped it up a bit lately. We are now in the final stages of planning for the inaugural SCA Convening on Youth Co-Powerment, to be held March 18 and 19 in Washington, DC.

This forum will bring together a select group of accomplished and influential visionaries in conservation, environmental justice, and youth development to explore how we can best co-power inclusive groups of young change-makers to act on climate change and other critical conservation issues.

Late last year, we were confident the moment was right for such a convening, and when TIME magazine put Greta Thunberg on its cover with the headline “The Power of Youth,” it further validated our thinking. Since then, there’s been a spate of writings on the linkages between climate change, environmental justice, and the rise in youth activism.

The convening is funded through grants from the JPB Foundation and the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation.

Look for further updates here in the weeks ahead.