2020 was a year like no other with many unprecedented challenges. Despite those circumstances, SCA was able to host and participate in multiple virtual events in place of our traditional in-person schedule. Below are some we hosted including conservation activities that will connect you to the planet and to each other, webcasts on environmental topics featuring SCA alumni, and more.

1. Virtual Programs

Connect with your community by helping conserve the planet! Just because we have to social distance from each other, doesn’t mean have to distance ourselves from the outdoors. Join SCA in online conservation activities that will connect you to the planet and to each other. You can help conserve by creating pollinator habitats, planting a tree, reducing your use, building a garden, and taking a hike! Take action to build a better planet.

2. Fifth Fridays Webinar Series

Fifth Fridays is a webinar series brought to you by the SCA Alumni Council. We feature our accomplished alumni or friends of SCA to speak about a variety of trending topics. The webinars are open to alumni, current and former staff, partners, supporters of SCA or anyone interested in learning more about conservation values.

July 31, 2020: Let’s Talk Tigers: Species Conservation with SCA alum Sarika Khanwilkar

October 30, 2020: Environmental Justice & Advocacy: The importance of multi-generational commitment with environmental and climate activist Lana Weidgenant

3. SCA Now

SCA’s President & CEO Stephanie Meeks sat down with alum Natalie Mebane to discuss the organization’s priorities including our work on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, how 2020 (and COVID-19) is impacting our work, The Great American Outdoors Act, and how financial support of our organization will be put to good use to support new and existing programs.

4. Frederick Law Olmsted NHS Site Visit

Participants had the opportunity to learn about the life and legacy of Frederick Law Olmsted and then created their own historic sites.

5. National Public Lands Day Virtual Hike

Indigenous woman and SCA alum Carmina Reyes shares plant knowledge and folklore passed down through generations during this 20-minute guided virtual hike at Douglass Park in Chicago.

6. Voyageurs Project

See what SCA is doing around the country through the Voyageurs Project on Google!